Confessions of a recovering perfectionist

Long Post Alert! “Perfection” it’s such a beautiful yet haunting word, all depends on how you were raised and who you are. To me, “perfection” is a word that comes with a lot of baggage, anxiety, disappointment and fear. It’s easy to call a perfectionist high maintenance, uptight and a raging control freak, I mean I know because I’ve been…
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Waiting For the Other Shoe to Drop – my journey of dealing with …

I’ve always been envious of the type of people who can truly “live in the moment”. I’m a worrier, when I eat, I worry I might get food poisoning, when I take Millie to the park, I worry she might fall and hit her head, When life is really good, I worry someone or something is going to happen and…
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10 Things About Me

Happy Monday Friends! Thank you for stopping by my blog and spending time with me! I can’t believe I’m sitting here writing my first official blog post!! I’ve been dreaming about this moment and drafted up so many different version of first official posts in my head for as long as I could remember! So let’s get to it, shall…
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